my story

I am the lucky mother of two very special little girls, Elizabeth, 4, and Caroline, 2. My amazing husband Andy and I are excited to meet our third child when he or she arrives this May. We live in a quaint town outside of Cleveland, Ohio called Chagrin Falls where I enjoy spending time with friends, gardening, cooking, and exploring our beautiful surroundings. 

I left my career as an advertising executive back in 2007 to raise my children full-time. It has proven to be my most rewarding and also my most challenging job yet. I recently discovered that I love to craft and started designing children's clothing, accessories and art. You can view my online store at Here on my blog I will share with you some of the techniques I use to create my designs. Stay tuned for tutorials on appliqueing, sewing your own baby bibs and burp cloths, making your own children's hair accessories, creating your own children's wall art and much more. 

Since I became a parent, I have learned so much from the advice of other moms. I have found comfort in listening to their stories and I have been healed by the laughter we have shared. Here in my blog, Running with Scissors, I share some of my own experiences as the mother of two young children. I hope you will be able to relate my adventures to your own life and maybe they can even help you get through some of those challenging parenting moments. I invite you to laugh at my stories, share your own, and no, I don't even mind if you judge my parenting skills. Let's face it, motherhood certainly doesn't come with an instruction manual. And I am not perfect. We're all just trying to do our best raising our children and to make it through each day. I think it's safe to say we all can use whatever help we can get. It is my pleasure to share bits and pieces of my triumphs and my tribulations. In fact, it is somewhat therapeutic to write about my experiences and it will be fun to look back at these entries over time to help me remember the good times and laugh about the tough ones. Enjoy!

~ Ashley Weingart